Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thank You!

As I reflect back on the year during this holiday season, I realize how grateful I am to have all of these fans on FaceBook!  Thank you for following Rob Marshall Studio these past few years.  And, a special thanks for those of you who have purchased from me this past year.

The new year will be exciting.  For several reasons, I will be re-branding myself.  This will entail a new name for the photography business.  Also, there will be a new website and a new logo.  Later this week, I will provide more details to direct you to the new website and a new FaceBook page.

In the interim, while the Rob Marshall Studio website will be terminated, the email addresses will be active for some time.  The Rob Marshall Studio page on FaceBook will also stay active for a while until everyone can transition to the new page.  The phone number will remain the same.

Thanks again for following Rob Marshall Studio.  I hope you will follow the new site as well.
