Friday, May 13, 2011


There have been some unwelcome house guests hanging around recently!  I finally managed to capture photographic evidence of the trespassers. 

About 8:15 last night, I went out on the deck and looked up at three raccoons staring down at me from the rooftop.  One raccoon immediately ran off, but the other two did not seem concerned with me at all.  So, I ran back inside, grabbed the camera and flash, hoping that the critters had not departed for their nightly forage.  Sure enough, two raccoons were still there.  Again, they did not seem concerned with me until the strobe flashed.  Then, they just seemed curious about what I was doing.

Now, I guess it's time to find some live traps.  They are great for some cute pictures, but I prefer not having them as permanent guests.  I especially do not want my roommate's dog to have a close encounter with the raccoons!

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